Stream Our New Album!!

In celebration of the release of our new album, Gods & Ritual Objects, please help yourself to a free download of the album today from 12-3 EST.  After that it will be available to stream only.  This album was about 3 years in the making and represents an evolution of our music that has been taking us to some exciting sonic destinations.

We couldn’t have done it without the help of some wonderful friends – James and Ty of Kitschy and Taxon Studios for their recording wizardry, Chris Maneri for his drumming and also recording magic, Evan Lewis for slapping the bass in ways we never could, Eli Schabes for the amazing artwork, Adam Boose at Cauliflower Audio for his mastering voodoo, and everyone who has ever come to a show and dug what we do, bought a cd, shirt, took a sticker, told your Mom about us, etc….

Thank you, we love you all. ❤